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Digital Detox: How can affect your life in a positive way?

Digital Detoxing is a period where, for the purpose of reducing stress, enhancing mental wellbeing and regaining one’s sense of balance throughout life, individuals decide to interrupt their use of electronic devices and technology. It means giving yourself a break from activities such as using your mobile phone, browsing social networks, watching videos, playing video…

How Social Media Is Changing Future After Metaverse?
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How social media is changing after Metaverse?

People are social animals. They need to feel connected to their friends, family, and the outside world. With the advancement of technology, social media has become a key element in many people’s lives. It is no wonder that social media will continue to expand into our future. We live in an era where digital media…

How Google Tracks you & Things you must know before deleting your Google account?

How Google Tracks you & Things you must know before deleting your Google account?

Google is collecting all the data from its application to make its service better, which we use. Whichever product we are using, either Gmail, Google search or even an android phone, Google keeps eyes on the every activity what we do. The company uses a lot of our personal data to improve its service and…